You have to prepare a Compensation Plan which incentivise your direct sellers based on sales of products or services only, you must not provide any incentive / income whatsoever based on the recruitment of distributors
A lot of MLM Companies copy compensation plan from others which is not recommended, instead they should follow the principles layed out here to design their MLM Business Plan
Your plan must be in compliance with the Direct Selling Guidelines
Your plan must be attractive to distributors at all stages of their career
Your plan must be profitable enough so that your business can be sustained
The Guidelines clarify the difference between a legitimate (rugulated) Direct Selling commission plan and various other illegal compensation mechanisms such as :
You have to design a commission plan which is strictly according to the Guidelines and which do not fall under these illegal compensation mechanisms because if your commission plan is falling under the definition of the banned / illegal compensation mechanism then
Things you Should Do while designing your MLM Compensation Plan
Things you Should NOT Do while designing your MLM Compensation Plan